health Unit4 🔥
Global Health and Human Development
Developed and developing countries
WHO mortality strata
Characteristics of developed countries
Living standards
Mean years of schooling
Expected years of schooling
Life expectancy at birth
Gross National Income per capita
programs and strategies
Economic, social and environmental
Health indicators
Human development Index
Burden of disease
Mortality and morbidity
Life expectancy
Child and adult
Factors that influence health and human development
People, planet, prosperity, peace, partnership
Goal 1 No poverty
Goal 3 Good health and well being
Goal 2 Zero Hunger
Goal4 Quality education
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Goal 5 gender equality
Goal 8 Decent work and economic growth
Goal 6 clean water and sanitation
Goal 16 peace justice and strong institutions:
Australian and international aid
Emergency/ humanitarian aid
Multilateral aid
Non-government organisation aid
Bilateral aid
Australian government's aid
How to provides
United Nations
Agencies and organisations
Main areas
World Vision Australia
Oxfam Australia
Australian red cross
Global health issues
Food security
water and sanitation